Just reaching out to all my amazing clients. With the mask mandates changing I wanted to give an update. Yay! Things seem to be on the right track!! As of June 2nd I will not require my guests to wear a mask to there appointment unless you would feel more comfortable doing so. Since as most of you know I am immunocompromised due to my RA & my medication, & even though I am now fully vaccinated, I will continue wearing a mask for the time being. Everyone has been amazing so far at calling off if they aren’t feeling good, has a fever or any symptoms of Covid I ask that everyone continues to do that & I will get you rescheduled as soon as your feeling better! I plan to continue to keep things sanitized in between each client. I want everyone to feel comfortable in my chair so please reach out to me if you have any concerns. Cant wait to see you in the near future.
